Quokkas are one of the most friendly and smiley creatures in Australia. They have a thick brown-grey fur and are often called the “smile of Australia” or the “happiest animal” due to their constant smiling appearance. However, their smile not only reflects their physical appearance, but also their friendly, welcoming nature and importance in the Australian ecosystem. They are also known as Setonix brachyurus.
They are herbivores and mainly feed on leaves, bark, and stems of plants. However, they can also eat roots, fruits, and insects. Quokkas have flat teeth that allow them to chew and grind the plants they eat throughout the day.
Quokkas are small animals that measure about 40 centimeters in length and weigh between 2.5 and 5 kilograms. Their fur allows them to survive in difficult weather conditions. They are adapted to life in semi-arid environments, where temperatures can reach up to 40°C. Additionally, they have a slight resemblance to kangaroos and wallabies, which belong to the same family of animals. They have a short, thick tail that measures about one-third of their body length. Their front legs are shorter than their hind legs, allowing them to move quickly and agilely. Quokkas are also able to climb trees to find food.
Quokkas are nocturnal animals and are active at night and rest during the day. They have a curious and sociable personality and are known to approach humans easily without showing fear or aggression. However, they are also territorial animals and can be aggressive towards other Quokkas that approach their territory.
Quokkas have a gestation period of 27 to 28 days and give birth to only one joey at a time. The joey stays in the mother’s marsupial pouch for about six months, where they are fed and protected. After leaving the pouch, the young stay with their mother for a few more months until they are able to fend for themselves.
Unfortunately, although these creatures are highly valued, they have been endangered by hunting, habitat loss, and introduced predators such as foxes and stray cats. For this reason, Quokkas are currently classified as a vulnerable species.
The Australian government has taken measures to protect Quokkas, especially on the islands of the Shark Bay, where conservation programs have been implemented to protect their habitat and prevent predation. They also live on Rottnest Island and Bald Island off the coast of Perth. Residents and tourists are also encouraged not to feed Quokkas as it can alter their natural behavior and make them more vulnerable to diseases.